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Bill Margold called Everett 'one of the legends of the business' and 'the Babe Ruth of porn.'

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He is a member of both the AVN and XRCO Halls of Fame.

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Everett starred in and directed many films and photo shoots, including co-starring in the iconic film Debbie Does Dallas. Everett had a long career in the adult entertainment industry – over 40 years, making him the only actor in the world to appear in porn films in every decade through the 2000s since the porn industry started in the 1960s. Everett started in mainstream theater and transitioned into porn, starting in the late 1960s. Chris Kissen, Eric Cowards, Eric Roberts, Erik Edwards, Ken Smith, Rob Edwards, Rob Emmett, Rob Everett, Rob Evert, Rob Evertt, Robb Everett Įric Edwards (born Robert Everett on Novem) is an American pornographic actor, photographer, and director.

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